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Creative Quilting With Rulers More Techniques & Motifs
Title: Creative Quilting With Rulers More Techniques & Motifs 
Author: Johnson, Amy 
Publisher: Craftsy and Sympoz Inc. -  
Format: DVD 
Last Updated: 2018-08-10 
Rating: -1 
Pages: 0 
Join popular instructor Amy Johnson and find out how quilting with rulers makes it easy to achieve beautiful results on your home machine. You'll begin class with an overview of essential techniques before Amy helps you quickly stabilize your quilt top by stitching in the ditch with straight rulers. Next, discover how to showcase your piecing with echoing motifs, and delve into foolproof tips for sashings. Using various rulers, Amy will guide you through dividing and stitching straight and curved sashings, as well as creating secondary designs. You'll also discover eye-catching, versatile motifs to add interest to negative space, and gain confidence marking and quilting sophisticated herringbone and triangle borders. Finally, find out how to use your new skills to create custom motifs and enlarge them to suit any space. Learn how to make the most of simple rulers and enjoy stunning results!

1. Ruler Rules & Stabilization (23:11)
Instructor Amy Johnson begins class with a helpful overview of ruler essentials, safety tips and quilting design strategies. And, she shows you how to quickly stabilize your quilt top by stitching in the ditch with straight rulers.

2. In the Box: Echoes & Block Designs (23:46)
Amy shows you how to emphasize piecing with echo quilting. Find out how to mark designs using a bigger ruler. And, work across an entire block with smaller rulers for results with big impact.

3. Take It Outside! (25:30)
Think outside the block with Amy's professional tips for sashings. Use rulers to stitch straight-line designs, create easy curved variations and work between blocks for beautiful secondary designs.

4. Wide Open Spaces (19:32)
Find out how ruler techniques can make working in large, blank areas fun! Amy shows you how to create visual interest with geometric designs such as ghost blocks. And, add themes like scrolls to your modern or traditional quilts.

5. Headed for the Border (21:43)
Avoid dense, stiff quilting with versatile border designs. Amy shares an adaptation of the popular Baptist Fan design. Then, she shares tips for marking and quilting herringbone and triangle borders.

6. Getting Fancy With Ruler-Based Motifs (19:23)
Put your new ruler skills to the test as you tackle motifs without using points or pieced seams. And, find out how to enlarge a motif for any space, before exploring variations of these techniques to add interest to wholecloth quilts.