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Smashing Sets: Exciting Ways to Arrange Quilt Blocks
Title: Smashing Sets: Exciting Ways to Arrange Quilt Blocks 
Author: Miller, Margaret J. 
Released: 2000-11-01 
Publisher: C&T Publishing - Lafayette, CA 
ISBN: 9781571201102 
Format: Paperback 
Category: Crafts, Hobbies & Home 
Last Updated: 2018-06-18 
Rating: -1 
Pages: 96 
Important Note about PRINT ON DEMAND Editions: You are purchasing a print on demand edition of this book. This book is printed individually on uncoated (non-glossy) paper with the best quality printers available. The printing quality of this copy will vary from the original offset printing edition and may look more saturated. The information presented in this version is the same as the latest edition. Any pattern pullouts have been separated and presented as single pages. If the pullout patterns are missing, please contact c&t publishing.

Editorial Reviews Review

Once you've put lots of time and effort into piecing traditional quilt blocks, you can assemble them in the traditional way--or you can take a more adventurous approach for a change of pace. Margaret J. Miller's Smashing Sets: Exciting Ways to Arrange Quilt Blocks offers lovely color photos of about three dozen innovative quilts, derived from an assortment of conventional blocks. But that's where tradition gets left behind: accented with unexpected fabrics and assembled in surprising arrangements, these blocks come together in exciting quilts. The complex designs belie the fact that they are relatively easy to assemble, because they all employ only straight-line piecing. Good directions and extensive diagrams explain the piecing process and demystify template-making. Gridded drawings of 16 of the book's featured quilts, accompanied by design and piecing notes, allow readers to re-create some of Miller's imaginative designs, and her advice on fabric choices, design principles, and pattern variations helps quilters to develop their own "smashing sets." --Amy Handy